We're sure you're aware that THE VITRUVIAN SQUARE: DISCOVERIES IN DIVINATION was an instant success. Still, Scott naturally wondered if it was possible to improve on his technique - even further - to make certain that you, his readers, have an absolutely stunning experience with the methods outlined in his book. The result? The Vitruvian Square Casting Cloth! Now, you can easily feel the same excitement, and have the very same type of casting cloth that Scott obviously uses in his personal appearances and lectures. This is a casting cloth so embedded with symbols and meaning that some have said that it almost reads itself.
The Vitruvian Square Casting Cloth is very detailed. In fact, take a look at the video and photos to the left and watch - now - what this fantastic offering looks like. You will quickly come to realize that, by using the Casting Cloth, you can connect with those for whom you are reading on a very deep level, and even start to connect more richly with yourself, as well.
Scott is incredibly excited about this Casting Cloth - you will be, too. Go ahead - share in the thrilling wisdom that is . . . The Vitruvian Square!
Recommended for adults only. The Vitruvian Square Casting Cloth should only be purchased by those who have Scott's book, or have attended his classes and lectures and received instruction on how to use it. There is no instruction manual included.
I've received my VS Casting Cloth and have been using it in my paid, private readings (especially when throwing the bones). Scott's "The Vitruvian Square" changed my life (and probably helped to save my career at a crucial turning point!); the system itself is remarkable, invaluable and a staple in my work. While I've always really enjoyed VISUALIZING Scott's 'VS' and have no problems with doing it that way (I'm doing it almost constantly at this point), the "Vitruvian Square Casting Cloth" is helpful both as a practical tool for giving readings, as an object for meditation AND as a learning device. The Casting Cloth itself is GORGEOUS...these suckers came out beautifully and my hat is off to Scott & Carolyn for their teamwork, dedication to quality, fast shipping, fair prices, superior product and attention to detail. Not only does the VS cloth "look" magical, mystical and adds several dimensions to your readings just like the system it represents and was inspired by and I really can't imagine anybody not absolutely LOVING this thing!!!
I was fortunate to pick up one of the first of these at Scott's Castle lecture. There's a reason why this is time intensive, it's a beautiful piece - not only in great design and amazing usability, but also in quality of materials and construction. This is the real deal.
I removed it from the package and held the bag in my hands as I just looked down at it for a while. The soft black material looked and felt so breathtaking. This is 100% CLASS and gives the impressions of something to be taken seriously. The way that you need to undo the bag just adds so much to the overall look that it really makes you smile! I removed the casting cloth from the bag and then spread it open. The casting cloths IMMEDIATELY seem to talk to me. Sounds funny I know, but it did! Just by looking over the cloth, you see things that prompt you to say things. When I use Numerology, I must think for a moment to get the number that I want if I used a letter from a person’s name. The cloth at a glance TELLS you what you are after and so much more! It covers everything that you will ever need to give amazing readings! Am I happy about buying this? You bet your azzzz I am! Just the LOOK of the Vitruvian Square Casting Cloth makes a sitter know that they are dealing with someone very special. This casting cloth puts off an air about itself that commands attention and more importantly, respect! Scott, I thank you for creating such an amazing tool for readers. I am so please with this and your other things that I am beside myself.
Mine arrived in time for Doomsday in Whitby. On our last evening in the castle, I shared this little piece of wonderment with colleagues. The cloth is beautifully made and comes in a really nice cloth bag with cord tie on it. Unfurling the cloth is a treat to behold and has quite an impact on those assembled around you. We just sat and looked at the layout for quite some time, and then started talking about its many properties. The associations simply jump out at you and give you so many different opportunities for making meaningful connections. The image draws people in and transfixes them...this is a work of art, a tool, and a piece of magic...I cannot recommend this enough....
Scott, I got your casting cloth, it is incredible. It is even better than I expected. I totally missed in the pictures that there was a jewel on the clasp...really amazing touch.
The cloths came today. All we can say is... WOW!
They are wonderful to use and look at.
From the sleek black carrying bag to the cloth itself, this is a readers dream. There truly are so many applications for this tool. Whether it is to create ambiance or to reference and consult with, this is a grail for the divinationalist. The Vitruvian Square Cloth is already sparking interest among psychics in our area.
Thank you, Scott.
We are grateful. More than we can say.
REQUIRED DISCLAIMER: THE VITRUVIAN SQUARE CASTING CLOTH is offered for entertainment purposes only and is not experimentally proven. By ordering our casting cloth you represent and are agreeing that you are 18 years of age or older and understand and accept that you are 100% responsible for any action taken based on interpretations, insights, and readings from use of the product. THE VITRUVIAN SQUARE CASTING CLOTH is not intended to replace sound medical, psychological, psychiatric, business, financial or legal advice. Rather, our product is meant to provide guidelines and to help you better reflect upon yourself and those for whom you provide readings. By purchasing THE VITRUVIAN SQUARE CASTING CLOTH you release Scott Grossberg from any and all legal responsibility for your use of the cards. The VITRUVIAN SQUARE CASTING CLOTH is provided "as is" with no guarantees. Finally, we know that the Internet allows you to read this anywhere in the world. This site has been designed to comply with United States laws. If anything on this site is contrary to the laws where you are located, then this site is not meant for you.
© Copyright 2008-2019 by Scott J. Grossberg, APC. All Rights Reserved.
The images and slogans (including but not limited to, "ThinkingMagically," "Stop Wishing. Start Having," "No One's Mind is Safe," and "The Power to Be All You Imagine") presented on thiswebsite are not in the public domain. They are the copyrighted andtrademarked property of Scott Grossberg and Scott J. Grossberg, APC andare fully protected by U.S. and international copyright and trademarklaws. These images and slogans, in whole or a portion of, may not bereproduced, copied, projected, used or altered in any way, alone orwith any other item(s), by use of computer or any other electronicmeans, saved to a digital file for personal or commercial use, withoutthe expressed written permission of Scott Grossberg. We protect ourintellectual property interests. For further information or inquiries,contact us at 909/483-1850 or
© Copyright 2008-2025 by Scott J. Grossberg, APC. All Rights Reserved.
The images and slogans (including but not limited to, "Thinking Magically," "Stop Wishing. Start Having," "I Am Safe and Loved," "Ancient Magic, Modern Tools," "No One's Mind is Safe," "Unlock The Magician That Lives Inside You," "Outcome Design System," "Chakra Coding," "Gnosis Code," "Gnosis Coding," "Shunyata Code," "The Power to Be All You Imagine," "Mindsets Restored. Attitudes Adjusted. Outlooks Polished," "I Will Win. Always," "I Bring Magic to Life," "Stress Management Accelerator," "Pivot Play with Scott Grossberg," "The Man Who Sees Tomorrow," and the "Imagination Whisperer" presented on this website are not in the public domain. They are the copyrighted and trademarked property of Scott Grossberg and Scott J. Grossberg, APC and are fully protected by U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. These images and slogans, in whole or a portion of, may not be reproduced, copied, projected, used or altered in any way, alone or with any other item(s), by use of computer or any other electronic means, saved to a digital file for personal or commercial use, without the expressed written permission of Scott Grossberg. We protect our intellectual property interests. For further information or inquiries, contact us at