Coaching 1:1

How would you like to transform your life into
something you've always dreamed about? 
My clients all know one thing . . . ordinary isn't good enough!
Over the last 40 years, I have advised, trained, and coached thousands of people. I have helped my clients find their passion, their drive, their brands, and their raving fans. They've been able to take what I've shown them and create their own unique lifestyles and position themselves the way they want to be seen, heard, and felt by others.

Create precise goals that are achievable, repeatable, and sustainable

Determine and fine-tune the way you make decisions

Improve your personal productivity, workflow, and project management

Take control of your time once and for all

Be held accountable for what you want, be inspired to do more, and be encouraged like never before

We're going to spend time together—just you and me—exploring what you really want out of life and then putting together the best and most practical way for you to manifest those dreams and get results. You're going to stop making choices based on hunches and start creating a life with a desired outcome in mind.
Exclusive coaching with me requires an application followed by an interview to confirm that we're the right fit for each other.
If you're serious about moving your life to the next level, I invite you to take action and click the button below.
1:1 Instant Change Executive Coaching is intended for people who are ready to take their lives and their careers to the next level of accomplishment. It's designed to start working for you quickly. This  means you have to be committed to make immediate changes and not be content to keep things the way they are. My coaching is not for the unadventurous. It's not for those who are more worried about what others think than what they think of themselves. It's not for those who need remedial business training. You're going to receive made-to-measure coaching for an intense three-month period and we don't have time for me to teach you how to read a basic spreadsheet or profit-and-loss statement.

We're going to take your dreams of happiness and success—your quality of life visions—add my tried-and-tested methods to the mix, and get you motivated and out taking action like never before.

Don't be surprised, by the way, if you discover dreams, wants, needs, and desires that are even more outstanding, extraordinary, and far reaching than you currently imagine.
The challenge I find that most people face is . . .  

They wake up each morning and go to bed each night knowing—deep in their gut and deep in their soul—that they're not all they ought to be and they don't have all that they want.

It's time for that to change.

The good news is that you're "this" close to getting what you want!

With the powerful system and easy-to-implement techniques I've learned and used myself over the years, I teach people—from business executives and workplace leaders to high-powered politicians to start-up owners and entrepreneurs—how to get what they want most in life! As with most accomplishments, the journey begins with first admitting where you're starting out from, so . . . 
1:1 Instant Change Executive Coaching is for you if . . .

You want to take yourself or your current career to the next level of accomplishment. Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, we're all in the attention-getting business. You may not have a plan for becoming unforgettable and creating raving fans.

You know what you want out of life but you're stuck in this nasty gap between "wishing" and "having." That gap, by the way, is where people develop fear, apathy, and negativity.

You're scared. Of not being able to take care of your family. Of not living up to your full potential. Of letting yourself down and disappointing others. Of taking the next step. Of making a fool out of yourself. Of making the wrong decision. Of making one choice that will result in another option going away. Of change. We all have dark and alarming thoughts from time to time. Learn to contain and control them so you stop feeling trapped.

You need to develop more effective and powerful ways to communicate your message to others in order to sell a product, make a presentation, get someone to take action, have someone use your services . . . and the list goes on and on. In today's world, you must create a compelling and potent experience for others. Otherwise, you're forgettable and they'll just move on to someone else.

You can do just about anything you put your mind to. You just need more time to make it all happen. Figuring out how to prioritize better, designing a powerful personal productivity workflow, and impressive time management abilities are learned concepts. The good news: they're easy to understand and simple to implement.

You have lots of "yes" people around you or those who just aren't inspiring. You need someone who can give you honest feedback and recommendations you need to hear.

You could use someone to hold you accountable. Look, we all have dreams and wants and desires. Most of the time we make excuses for them not happening and then they don't.
The three differences between people who get what they want out of life and those who don't

When you're ready to start creating the success and happiness you deserve, you'll find that these three strategies will serve you in compelling, intense, and confident ways:

1. You must learn to manage your desires, goals, and intentions.

2. You must learn to manage your audience, message, and brand.

3. You must learn to manage your doing, outcomes, and course through life.

Superior athletes and high-performing organizations all use executive coaching to keep them at the highest levels of attitude and execution. Shouldn't you have the same opportunity?  

So the secret strategy you'll have to embrace and then act upon is simple . . . you can do those three things I've listed all by yourself by investing a lot of time, money, and painful trial-and-error or you can get help from someone who has done what you want to do, gone through the same types of challenges that you face, and who constantly dreams of bigger things. You want someone who understands your need for "more." I've been through some massive ups and downs during my life and I've not only survived them, I've flourished. I've been kicked in the behind and I've been on top of the world. Both have taught me some fundamental lessons. I would be honored to position you to be able to apply the same tools, techniques, and tricks that I have helped me attain some amazing results.
Our time together will be used to carefully and personally guide you through methods that will serve you well in both your personal life and in the business world! But, be aware, that I don't buy in to the whole work-life balance argument. I play. I work. I love. I have fun. I get intense. I delegate. I do all of these and more . . . all the time. These activities and feelings and courses of action aren't compartmentalized into some arbitrary yes/no distinction of work or play. For me, the important thing is developing and appreciating and having a QUALITY OF LIFE. That means we need to comfortably and strongly combine—not arbitrarily and weakly separate—all the aspects of who we are and what we do.

So, depending on where you are when we move forward together, here are some of the questions we may explore and find answers to:

What does your focus need to be so that you get what you really want—not what others tell you you should want?

Who are the people you must surround yourself with and who are the people who truly deserve your time, energy, money, and emotion?

How can you rewire, reprogram, and rethink the fears that are keeping you from achieving all that you desire?

Why should you spend more time carefully crafting the "you" experience and do you need a branding makeover?

When did you use winning success and happiness strategies in the past and how can you put them to work consistently in the future?

In what ways can you stand to tweak your current worldview and the stories you tell yourself about yourself in order to create all-mighty decision-making strategies?
Real world, practical results
"Be ready for breakthroughs."
"When you're ready to get serious and get results, have Scott Grossberg coach you. He lives what he teaches, and I wish I had experienced great coaching like this earlier in my life. With Scott,  you have a gentle environment of safety and acceptance, yet all of his focused and penetrating attention. Be ready for breakthroughs because Scott will lovingly, yet firmly, get to the heart of the matter and finally shed light on what's happening for you and how to create the change you're looking for.  But he doesn't stop there—he has profound, yet simple, methods that you can immediately incorporate, along with an abundance of ideas and inspiration to feed your momentum. In short, he will assist you in working out a clear, organized and measurable plan that you'll be able to follow with enthusiasm rather than the anxiety that can occur in some other types of coaching philosophies. I cannot recommend Scott Grossberg highly enough—be  looking  forward to your magical transformation."
- Kelli Maroney
Actor (Fast Times, Night of the Comet, Ryan's Hope, True Blood)
"Delivers the professionalism and direction I need."
"Over the past few years I have utilized Scott Grossberg for one on one personal and business coaching. Everything from a quick reality check, to a full blown directional plan. While my sessions with Scott felt like two friends talking, he always delivers the professionalism and direction I need to go to the next level. His years of experience coupled with his ability to direct in a clear and concise manner deliver the desired effect every time. I would highly recommend his service to anyone needing that extra insight to move forward."
- Todd Trent
Tour Production Tech, Cheap Trick Touring
Chief Operating Officer, Joyful Noise Drum Company
"One of my best go-to resources."
"Scott is a phenomenal presenter, and our employees love him every time he delivers something new to our organization! His passion, unique insight into people and behavior, knowledge, humor, and upbeat energy make him one of my best go-to resources for staff and organizational development."
- Marcella Marlowe, Ph.D.
Assistant City Manager/Human Resources Director
City of San Gabriel
"Took me from confused and lost to focused and empowered."
"Scott Grossberg took me from confused and lost to focused and empowered. Just a few years ago my mother passed. It really rocked my life. The year after my father passed. The combination hit me to the core and I lost focus on my strengths and my direction for life. I simply started saying yes to every opportunity, thinking that one would stick. Yet all the opportunities pulled at me and my days became chaotic and without direction. The result was that none of the opportunities got my focus and they all became disappointments. Scott came into my life at the perfect time. He listened, guided me on a path of self-discovery, and coached me to re-discover who I was bringing to light my greatest offering in life. As I began to use his principles daily, I began to see through the fog and became clear on my intentions. The result was a successful business and peace in my life. Thank you Scott. Your gifts have enhanced the magic in my life."
- Dean White
Voice Over Artist,
"My confidence was back and my stress level had diminished."
"As a leader, I have extensive experience leading teams, coaching employees, encouraging colleagues and analyzing business plans. Yet when it came time for my own personal development, I needed to be able to work with someone who would be tough on me, challenge my assumptions and push me to be even better while achieving a better balance. I personally retained Scott to do that for me on two separate occasions with amazing results. If you have a personal board of advisors in your life, you should add Scott to that board. Clarity was achieved through several intense one on one sessions and utilization of his book entitled 'The Most Magical Secret.' The sessions/book were thought provoking, hypnotic and helped me achieve amazing results. Within weeks, my confidence was back and my stress level had diminished. Now, I am passionate about my new role and others tell me that I truly seem happier than I’ve been in years, and I am, in a very magical way! Thank you Scott."
- Caryn Siebert
Vice President / Head of Claims at Knight Insurance Group
"You can experience a profound breakthrough now."
"I have been to dozens of workshops. I have hired well known 'gurus' and motivational coaches. But a single session with Scott Grossberg has been far more powerful. If you want to see rapid change and deeper success in your life—personal, financial, and health—Scott will help you get results. Who says you have to wait months or years?  You can experience a profound break-through now. With Scott's coaching, you will quickly see what you (truly) want and you will be empowered to get it!"
- Adam Christing
Founder & President,
"A magical path of self-awareness."
“Scott Grossberg can inspire an audience like no one else I've ever seen. He has spoken to my graduate students on numerous occasions and his presentations are always interactive and engaging. There is a unique alchemy in his supportive approach coupled with his very direct questions that guide the participants to a magical path of self-awareness.  Always a smashing success!”
- Jeannette Vagnozzi
Adjunct Professor, University of La Verne
"Inspired us to take our game to the next level."
"You did a great job of leading our training and inspired all of us to take our game to the next level. Thank you for making a positive impact on our team.”
- Stephen D. Pischel
Director of Administrative Services, City of Placentia
"Enjoy your life as it’s meant to be."
"Scott gave me the tools and tricks from his arsenal and taught me how to 'be' again. Notice I didn’t say live. We can live within our own head and we can live with that self-pity and self-destructive behavior. The difference is, are we BEING who we’re meant to be? Can we BE completely satisfied with who we are? Yes. And Scott taught me how. He changes lives. He’s never turned me away when I ask meaningless questions or advice. He offers himself to you, takes you by the hand, shows you that glimmer of hope, and then hands you the keys. As difficult as this journey has been and as difficult as it’s been to let go of what I thought was holding me back, it was even more difficult to realize that what was actually holding me back was me.  Fear got in the way and Scott showed me how to take that fear and use it correctly. Not to let it hold me back but use it to push me forward. Let go of yourself for a bit, give it to Scott, and he’ll carefully and compassionately unravel the pieces, polish them off ,and hand them back to you whole. Enjoy your life as it’s meant to be and learn how to handle those little bumps in the road and use them to your advantage. Scott does this for you. No wait, you do it for yourself but with Scott’s help. He changed mine. Is it magic? Nope, it’s Scott Grossberg."
- Zita Ost
Founder and Owner of Hey-Z Talk Radio Network
"It's time to show the world what you have to offer."
"You're not happy. You're unsatisfied. You're in a rut. You know you're capable of more but you're stuck. You may even KNOW what to do but somehow just can't get it done. You have all the books on the shelf and CDs in the car. You have successful friends and loving family members you can call. You know the steps to get what you want. You know what direction you want to go. But. You. Still. Don't. Do. It. You need a kick in the butt. Somebody who's not going to buy your excuses. Someone who won't let you fail, because you're too magical. Welcome to Scott Grossberg. He's written the books. He's given the talks.  I've seen him in action.  I've witnessed it firsthand. Scott will reignite your passion, ask you tough questions, demand accountability, get you focusing your priorities and help you toward realizing your potential in just 90 days. If you're tired of just wishing for success and prosperity and you're willing to put your money where your mouth is, then it's time to show the world what you have to offer.  Your tiny investment in Scott's Personal Coaching relationship is a pittance when compared to what DOING NOTHING is already costing you. Get off your butt and never look back. Scott is your guide. Follow him today. He's waiting for you."
- Ruben Padilla
The Narrative Strategist,
Privileges of us working together include:

1 Private introduction and assessment call. We'll take anywhere from 30-minutes to 1-hour on the phone after I've gone through your application and before you invest any money at all in coaching. We'll speak so I can get a current picture of where you're at and where you currently think you're going (or where you're stuck). We'll have an honest brainstorming  and problem-finding conversation so I can bring my training and experience to our upcoming and additional coaching time together. This is also the time when the two of us can ultimately decide if moving forward with coaching is right for the two of us.

Weekly, private 1/2-hour coaching calls spread over 3 months. We'll be speaking once a week for three months. These regularly scheduled phone calls (usually taking place in the early evening) are dedicated to you. We'll go over your progress, ask and answer questions, I'll hold you accountable for your goals, show you the precise methods and actions that have served me strongly and effectively, and discuss what I think you should be doing next. We'll even have detailed discussions about the content from my books and my "Thinking Magically" blog, as might be needed. (Note: You don't have to buy my book.)

Exclusive, priority access to me through email . This will allow us to interact even more and I can share any resources I think will benefit you as we work through our time together.

Occasional brief check-in calls. Yep, I just might surprise you with a call or text message out of the blue to see how you're doing.

Homework assignments. I'll determine the best things for you to work on between our calls. You'll commit to working on and finishing these assignments. This will allow us to jump right in at the beginning of each call and I'll know precisely what ground you've already covered.

Real business, success, and happiness experience. I've successfully operated in the business, education, entertainment, publishing, technology, and political worlds for quite a long time. I'm going to bring you everything I've got to help you feel better and achieve your goals.
What's it going to cost?

There's a total investment of $3,499 (payable in three monthly installments).

Additionally, you must commit to working with me for 3 consecutive months. You must also commit to bringing your A Game during every call. To bringing your all. To wanting the best life has to offer and to not accepting the ordinary.
So, is there a guarantee?

Nope. My entire approach to success and happiness is built upon the premise that we each have to powerfully participate in our own outcomes. That's important for you. I'm going to give you my undivided attention, focus, and experience during our time together. What you do with that is ultimately up to you. And you knew that already. If you're not going to own your outcomes—if you're not going to be 100% responsible for what you do with the information and tools and techniques I give you—then you shouldn't be coaching with me. I'm going to teach you new skills, channel your energy, encourage you to be and do more than you envision for yourself, and even call you on the carpet at times. I'll be your friend, but I won't let you make excuses not to become all that you want to be. So we may have some very candid conversations. You need to own those, too. You can  quit my coaching at any time. You always have that kind of control. I'll send you a pro-rated refund for any time during the month that you haven't used. But, you have to make the choices and take the actions that will allow you to capitalize on our time together.
I've learned that living a great life requires making great choices.

It requires making powerful decisions about the outcomes you want, the incredible results you need, and the impressive things and people you want to manifest. That means taking the time to dig deep in order to  truly uncover what you really want out of life. Most of us don't know what we want, let alone how to figure it out in the first place. We don't know these things because we've never been taught before how to do that type of self-exploration. Or we've been tricked into thinking that to do such a thing is too selfish. Or we let the hocus-pocus of other people's dreams and intentions seize our own dreams and intentions.

In order to be considered for my 1:1 Instant Change Executive Coaching and to make certain that you have all the support and follow-through I think you need to live the life you want, fill out the Application.

Here's to your success and happiness.

Scott Grossberg
Mindsets Restored. Attitudes Adjusted. Outlooks Polished.

If you're ready to start choosing the way your life is lived.
If you're ready to declare: "No more walls."
If you're ready to stop wishing and start having.
You're ready for 1:1 Instant Change Executive Coaching.
I can't wait to share with you and look forward to
helping you create and experience your own
amazing success and happiness stories!
If you're accepted, I'll be there to support and
interact with you on your new adventure!


Disclaimer: Most people never do anything with the self-help, success, and happiness information they get.
If you don't do anything to move in the direction of your dreams, you're going to get results you don't like.
If you want desired results, you need to take action. Let's make that happen!
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