The Stress-Less Accelerator

The first real-world seminar that teaches an instant process for stress reduction that you can use anywhere at any time.
Some techniques are not intended for use while operating a motor vehicle, equipment, or when it is not otherwise safe to do so.

A blueprint designed to help entrepreneurs, leaders, and peak performers expose their stress triggers and then systematically destroy them by transforming nothing more than their focus.

The whole world is talking about how anxiety, depression, and burn-out
are affecting everyone. And why preventing and relieving stress are
THE KEYS to happiness and success. There's just one problem:

How can you easily and elegantly develop
true resilience and coping skills in today's world?

Introducing: The Stress-Less Accelerator™

A seminar that carefully mentors you - yes, really MENTORS you - through
a remarkable, revealing, and repeatable blueprint.

This is specifically designed to guide you, one step at a time, through a clear, easy, and precise system
that will transform your current stress reactions to long-awaited stress relief and relaxation.

Because the question shouldn't be: How much tension can you live with?

It should be: How much happiness and success can you stand?

** Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. **
Designed Specifically to
Reprogram Your Stress Reactions.

We all experience distress. That's the name for "bad stress" - that feeling of being overwhelmed. And eventually, we flounder for better ways to cope with the continual strains and persistent suffering. Sometimes we reach a breaking point. At a time like that, the really scary thing is that none of our reactions are logical. The emotions just seem to overtake you. It's no wonder that bad stress compromises your immune system, can lead to high blood pressure, and spark fear, fatigue, depression, anxiousness, and cause other physical ailments. The Stress-Less Accelerator™ breaks apart the various stress triggers in your life and turns identified distress into optimized goals and daily plans of action to help you strategically, tactically, and logistically design the outcomes you want.

Your responsibility is to create the most successful and happy environment possible. Any goal less than that and
you're depriving yourself and your loved ones of experiencing the real you!
Built With Audacity, Need, and Real-World Experience.

I help entrepreneurs, leaders, and peak performers develop mental and emotional steadiness under stress so that they can instantly be in the most advantageous emotional place and fly with the most opportune state of mind for the goals they have chosen.

As founder and president of various businesses, I have spent my entire career addressing stress. In fact, I have both a unique and an unequaled background in precisely what it takes to be calm under extreme pressure and in the wake of the demands of others. I have created celebrated and high-profile public speaking, writing, and legal careers that span more than four decades (I'm the author of "The Most Magical Secret - Four Weeks to an Ecstatic Life" and 5 other books). And I have degrees in law, philosophy, and theatre arts, certifications in hypnotherapy and Ho'oponopono, together with integrated coursework in directing and screenwriting from University of California - Los Angeles, Professional Entertainment Studies, the American Film Institute, Variety’s Showbiz University. My negotiation and mediation training comes from Pepperdine University, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution.

I created The Stress-Less Accelerator™ to help me with the reality of having to make multi-million dollar and high-exposure decisions that involved real-life consequences on a daily basis. Having used these personally and having carefully selected the methods I'm sharing with you, I know that I can help you apply my special blend of elements of well-being, energy psychology, mind-body intervention systems, computational cognition, and neuroplasticity.

Steadiness of your emotions under stress isn't relegated to being an accident when you know how to plan and practice for it the right way.

Easy to Use in
Every Situation
You Face.

The Stress-Less Accelerator™ tools were chosen as a universal solution to very personal needs. They were designed and chosen to work under my most demanding situations - they have to be fast, uncomplicated, provide realistic results, and . . . 
yes . . . be fun!

Whether you are facing tremendous obstacles, pocket-sized demands, or continual insecurity, you have access to these methods at any time.

Of course, by the very nature of some of the techniques, not all of the tools provided to you are intended for use while operating a motor vehicle, equipment, or when it is not otherwise safe to do so. There are other options you will be able to use.

The Stress-Less Accelerator™ gives you the tools to reduce stress, lessen anxiety, and start moving toward positive goals rather than running from unwanted difficulties. And you just might feel a lot better in the process.

Stress-Free Living Does Not Exist.
Stress-Less Living Does.

People all over the world are in the clutches of stress. In America, alone, job stress seems to be
escalating at an alarming rate resulting in health issues, lost productivity, and morale concerns.

It doesn't take much for you to experience
(let alone imagine) situations that
afford you little or no control but
wearying amounts of demands and challenges.

In order to thrive, you must learn the powerful and precise skills that help you recognize, reframe,
and replace negative stressors with a positive self-view, calm disposition, and personal equilibrium.

That means learning to define and fulfill your
personal lifestyle needs are critical if you want to be
more competent, productive, and bankable.

Anything less than that results in you
compromising your health, your loved ones, and your money.

And I've found that the only ones who consistently and repeatedly thrive are

the ones who have easily integrated
systematized and compelling coping skills.
There are a lot of people who believe that either the passage of time, enduring their "Fate" in Life, or simple denial will eliminate or lessen the stress. But this type of approach dooms them to failure (and even more stress).

Your gut and your body aren't confused about the bad stress in your life. You might try in vain to excuse, justify, or defend the bad stuff, but your physical reactions - that tightness in your chest, the pit in your stomach, the pain in your neck and back - those are all part of the "fight-flight-freeze" stress reactions to which you should be listening. You KNOW the feelings . . . increased heart rate, fast breathing (or holding your breath), tight muscles, and headaches (to name a few). This is your BODY telling you to ACT. This is your BODY telling you to PROTECT YOURSELF.

This is not the time to move into a denial modality.

Look, we've all been through intense, negative, and overwhelming situations. We also know that putting a little distance between you and the bad situation can help you get the time you need to process and think or feel through everything.

But, that needs to be a temporary approach because it won't change what is actually happening.

Denial can hold you back from real progress.

Denial can keep you from improving the situation.

Denial can actually cause more harm.

And refusing to admit that you're stressed and need help doesn't make the problem go away, either.

Simply, unmanaged stress is a habit that can be fixed.

But, you have to take action!

So, what's holding you back?
You never learned you can actually manage stress
rather than having the stress control you.
You’re not alone.

Stress has become a world-wide epidemic.

Almost two-thirds of you reading this right now (and likely many more) are
suffering from stress in your daily lives.

Some of you feel powerless and unable to fully function.
Think of what that means for your career.

Some of you regularly experience physical symptoms from stress.
Think of what that means for your health care needs.

More than a 1/3 of you feel you are living with extreme stress.
Think of what that’s costing you.

Your distress is a mixture of things . . .

money . . .

health issues . . .

relationships . . .

world affairs . . .

[go ahead, fill in your favorite stressor]

Most importantly, your reaction to bad stress is likely putting your health on the line.

Whether exploding at a major incident or responding to a minor inconvenience, the chances are that
you’ve become so habitual about stress that you aren’t even fully aware how often you’re
subjecting your body, mind, and soul to its dangers.

That means the unmanaged bad stress can be the cause of depression, headaches, insomnia,
a pounding heart, shortness of breath, high blood pressure, and on and on.

Yes, stress is part of life.

Bad stress, however, is sucking that life out of you.


There are reports that chronic stress has been connected to the six leading causes of death.
If that doesn’t get your attention, you really are in denial and . . . that means . . .

You don’t necessarily need to change your life.
You do need to improve your approach to your life.

And that's what The Stress-Less Accelerator™ is all about.
Bad stress is not something to be pushed aside or shrugged off.
Your reactions to distress are either serving you well, or they’re killing you.

There is no compromise.
The arousal theory of motivation essentially stands for the
proposition that people “do” things in order to “feel” things.

The problem is that most of us are not doing things in order to feel better.
We’re doing things simply to feel.

Stress certainly causes you to feel - both emotionally and physically.
There’s a palpable adrenaline rush.
You can literally feel the stimulation.
(Remember that “arousal theory?”)

And this type of stimulation and arousal eventually becomes a habit.

Stress habits start from your body reacting to something it senses as danger.
You then make a decision to do something to feel safe.

This simple but powerful process then becomes an associated memory.

Soon, you have stress responses every time the associated memory is triggered.
But . . . the response might not have anything to do with reality.

To stop this from happening, you have to recognize the bad habit.
Then you need to rewire your brain and body to
stop the self-defeating and self-destructive patterns
that have been allowed to run you.

Here’s what I’ve learned:
our approach to stress can either help us discover and experience
an amazing life or cause us earth-shattering and very nasty difficulties.

It doesn’t discriminate between rich and poor, man and woman, adult and child,
nor the fortunate and the underprivileged.

The bigger problem is that bad stress attempts to take what is precious away from you. And it quickly claws its way inside and then anchors itself so that you soon find yourself awfulizing, ruminating, and becoming gloomy. Your thinking becomes twisted.

The biggest problem is this then becomes habitual because you “think” that it is normal.

The essential ability you need to learn is how to surgically uncover your
bad stress situations, beliefs, and thoughts, and then
master the technique of switching how you think about them.
In the past, you have embraced and even welcomed your negative thoughts and reactions
because there is some part of you that thinks those are keeping you safe.

That has been a mistake.

That way of handling bad stress hasn’t kept you secure.
It has plagued you by cunningly bypassing your critical thinking.

Perhaps another way of looking at bad stress habits is like this:
Duke University professor Mark Leary has been quoted as saying,
“A deer may be startled by a loud noise and take off through the forest,
but as soon as the threat is gone, the deer immediately calms down and starts grazing.
And it doesn't appear to be tied in knots the way that many people are.”

You need some new ways of recognizing both external stress-producing events, things, and people,
and modifying the way you think about them. If you are constantly centering on the negative,
then you are twisting your thinking into a destructive process.

It’s quite simple:

There is no goodness that comes from bad stress habits.
Because distress is really all about suffering.

Not joy.

Not delight.

Not comfort.

The good news is that distress is also just a program.
There’s a “science” behind what you can do.
It’s not a matter of luck, karma, or a roll of the dice.

And so is relaxation and balance and a healthy flow of energy. It’s a program you run.

That means that the first part of your stress-hacking workflow is to make the decision to take back control of your life.

It also means you must accept the following as true:
You have complete control over how you respond to events, things, and people.

Unfortunately, you and I both know that many people like being unhappy.
It serves them in some way. In fact, we all know the people who are drama-magnets
or who like to complain all the time.

The “art” of truly enjoying less stress is developing the personal skill of observing
what distressed you in the past and practicing more empowering responses in the here and now.

I understand that we are stressed by things that are unpredictable.

We are troubled by things that don’t make sense.

We have an inborn need to understand what’s happening around and to us.

However . . .

When you can learn to effectively choose your responses,
you can become impressive, creative, and in control, again.

Welcome to . . .

The first real-world seminar that teaches an instant process for stress reduction
that you can use whenever you need it . . .

. . . and finally start living a life of happiness, calmness,
and outcomes that you design.

. . . because now you now know that chronic distress is also a choice.
The Main Point of All This

I love self-help systems as much as the next person. But I was fed up with courses that were taught by people who weren’t reliable, didn’t walk the walk, and hadn’t experienced what they were actually claiming to teach. I was also tired of programs that were all theory and couldn’t be deployed instantly, effectively, and with the desired results. So I created The Stress-Less Accelerator™ that delivers integrated and easy-to-use stress-busting techniques that I have personally enjoyed, continue to use, and have given me the outcomes I designed for over four decades.

If that sounds like something that could benefit you, join us online this August and start using The Stress-Less Accelerator™ system right away.

Like me, practice any or all of the techniques daily and they will serve you well. Use the process to help achieve some peace of mind. You can finally relax because everything that you will learn is leading you to a place of peace and refuge. If you aren’t focusing on the right things, you aren’t going to get the right things. And then you’ll fall back into the same old rut.
Get Over Your Bad Stress . . . Before It Takes A Permanent Toll On You!

Whether you are a business owner, a startup, an executive manager, an employee, a solopreneur, or you’re still finding yourself,  use what I’m going to share with you in The Stress-Less Accelerator™ and you will never view stress quite the same way . . . ever again. Why? Because your involvement in the techniques and workflows combined with your commitment (remember, we did that above) to stress less will create your outcome. You don’t experience stress the same way that I do. I don’t experience stress the same way someone else might. While there are certainly distress “themes,” each of our computer brains has created a unique stress program that we are running. That means what you get out of The Stress-Less Accelerator™ will be unique, too. And that’s a good thing. After all, I don’t like cookie-cutter approaches and I don’t think you do, either.
Stop Letting Bad Stress Mark You As Its Territory

Ok, that’s a little blunt. But . . . it’s true.

Your reactions like to own you. After all, they’re yours. So, consider yourself marked. The challenge with bad stress is that it leads to bad reactions and, as we’ve talked about, that leads to really, really, really bad habits. The question is: do you finally want to clean off bad stress’ ownership of you and get on with a better way to approach Life?

The good news is that you can have that better approach to Life. Copy and use the system as I’ll set out and you’ll start realizing a new way of recognizing and responding to stress (and just about everything and everyone else). In fact, you’re going to be surprised how straightforward and easy all this is to implement because I’m bringing my own real-life experience to the table. I’ve been there. I’ve been a high-powered trial lawyer for more than thirty years. I run multiple businesses at the same time. I’ve started companies. I’ve shut down companies. I have investments that are being bought and sold. I make multi-million dollar decisions on a daily basis. I have a family and loved ones. And I have hobbies. No stress-balancing all that, right? I’m not going to ask you to do one thing that I haven’t done, myself. And how about this: you might get to know your heart and soul in the process . . . perhaps for the first time.
There’s A Reason That Games Relieve Stress

If your brain is now programmed to expect your unique form of stress, then it’s not a great leap to also understand that your brain starts to expect to be stressed everyday. (There’s that habit concept, again.)

Games break that patterning and programming by refocusing your brain to something else and something new.

So, go ahead and finish this sentence:

A life without stress would be ____________________________________.

The Stress-Less Accelerator™ is named that for a reason. It is a program designed to help you live a life without bad stress more quickly. You might have been tolerating, excusing, and enduring bad stress for years. You might be 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 . . . The number of years you’ve been engaging, holding, and dancing with stress does not mean you’re getting better at it. Quite the contrary. If you don’t Stress Less, you might be silently suffering, and everything and everyone important is suffering alongside you.

And let’s agree on one thing right now . . . learning ways for you to reduce and eliminate stress is time-sensitive. You need ready-to-go tools to overcome the basic hurdles you’ve been dealing with. I don’t think there’s a better way to ensure you have that opportunity.

More importantly, The Stress-Less Accelerator™ is a treasure-trove of resources that I have carefully created and personally vetted.

The only potential drawback of all this is that you might have to give up your suffering. If distress is doing something beneficial for you, then The Stress-Less Accelerator™ isn’t for you.

The choice for me was an obvious one . . . learn ways to respond better to stress or . . . explode.

The Stress-Less Accelerator™ is that choice.

I’ll Be There Guiding This And That Means You Get Hands-On Direction
Thinking you have to do everything yourself is probably what’s causing some of your stress in the first place. I’ll be there by video to partner with you and steer you in the right direction. And, of course, I’ll answer all of your questions after you attend.

Using the videos is also a way to reduce stress. Why? Because you’re getting the reassurance that you’re not in this alone. You’ll also find that one of the big advantages of this type of training is the focus you are forced to have. No excuses. I want you to make immediate progress and I want this to be the most important training you’ve ever had (and to put a smile on your face).

Of course, using The Stress-Less Accelerator™ videos is not a prerequisite to successfully reducing stress. In fact, some people have eventually cobbled together their own home remedies and cures given enough time and suffering. But, I’ve already spent a tremendous amount of time, energy, emotion, and money finding what I believe are the best stress reduction tips, tricks, and hacks on the planet. This is the quickest way for you to learn them.

Also, unless you’re attending one of my live events, this is the closest you’ll get to my 1:1 Instant Change Executive Coaching (which is $1,000 per month for three months).

And, this is the perfect way for us to bring my personal experiences to the table for your advantage.

The bottom line is this: The Stress-Less Accelerator™ is a process. You can’t develop better stress management skills without knowing how you react to stress. And you can’t discover how you really react to stress until you learn what is motivating your reactions and decisions. In this video offering, you’ll also be learning my Alchemy of Human Needs™ - a unique tool for learning how conflict arises for YOU.

It's a Stress-Less Class Schedule
Here’s the fun part . . . the entire video course will be available to you when you buy. I don’t want you overwhelmed one moment more than you have to be. By letting you have ALL THE MATERIAL at your fingertips, you can go through the material at your own pace.

And you’ll be invited to be part of The Stress-Less Accelerator™ secret FB Group.

The modules you will receive are probably some of the most clear-cut, specialized, and significant action-based material I’ve ever offered! You’ll be getting everything and I believe that it is delivered in a way that is meaningful, in line with your needs, and immediately compelling if you’ll apply the information and instructions that I provide.

All in all, you'll be getting 3-hours of content!
** Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. **
Here's a Breakdown of the
Individual Content in Each Class
An introduction
Some stress statistics
Your needs and wants and desires
Scott’s Alchemy of Human Needs™
What’s in it for you
A little about Scott and why he knows stress and stress management so well
9 ways a business gets stuck and what to do about it
The difference/implications between being strategic vs. tactical
Guiding Principle - Understanding stress once and for all
What is stress and what are its causes
What is beneficial stress (eustress) and what are its benefits
What stress can lead to
Understanding Scott’s approach to stress
Guiding Principle - Understanding how lifestyle is involved
Guiding Principle - Choosing your responses, reactions, and boundaries
The difference between a response and a reaction
Avoiding the Deny, Deflect, Destroy response
Your cortisol levels (stress hormone risks)
Who do you “No”?
Guiding Principle - The importance of ritual and habits
Removing your situational and habitual stress anchors
Time management
Attention management
Physiology management
Connection management
Journaling and Coloring
Guiding Principle - You can crack the stress code
The 60-Minute Stress Breakthrough Challenge™
Guiding Principle - 10 Stress-Hacking Tools
Self-talk and success scripting
Walking (and sitting) through life
The Discovery Meditation™
Paying attention to your intention and designing outcomes
Qi Gong
Mantras and affirmations
Breathing techniques
Guided visualization
Guiding Principle - Mentors and advisors
Your private Cabinet of Advisors
Summing it all up
Some additional thoughts from Scott
You're getting 3 hours of my best stuff.
Participant Package

I was originally going to offer this training for $297. I think the value it brings to you is worth many times more than that. I know that, for me, it has been priceless. And I know that organizers for my live events have paid thousands of dollars so that their attendees will have access to this information.

However, I also realize that many of you don’t have $297 - let along thousands of dollars - to easily spend. That has created a challenge for me . . . because this information is too important to keep from people because of a price tag. So, as an introduction to The Stress-Less Accelerator™ and if you take this offering as-is and you agree to make the significant commitment of following through with the instructions and offerings  . . . I’ve decided to let you purchase the entire package for a modest $47 . . . not thousands, not even $297.

Assuming you get the outcomes I’ve seen in my live events, this should be one of the best investments in yourself you can make.

I know you’ll be impressed by the integrative variety of techniques and approaches to stress management all packaged for you to thrive!
What I Bring To The Table For You
The Stress-Less Accelerator™ has been created and is conducted by me (Scott J. Grossberg, Esq., C.Ht.; Certified Ho'oponopono practitioner; B.A. Philosophy (minor in Theatre Arts); Stress Management Consultant)

I'm also an entrepreneur, writer, public speaker, executive coach, and advisor. I'm the author of six Amazon best-selling books including “The Most Magical Secret - Four Weeks to an Ecstatic Life.” If that isn't enough, I'm is also a produced playwright and director, a songwriter/musician, and an exhibiting photographer. Here are some of my memberships: National Speakers Association, the Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology, the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, the Academy of Magical Arts (the Magic Castle in Hollywood), the International Brotherhood of Magicians, and the British Society of Mystery Performers.

I have conducted private training and corporate workshops for more than 40 years and my work has impacted thousands of people around the world.  

I'm very blessed to have worked with some of the most valuable and prestigious organizations.
“Let me help you work on your stress
rather than stress working on you.”
** Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. **
DISCLAIMER: : Stress management provides great benefits. But only you know your own limits. Not all techniques are suitable for everyone, and making use of the information in this training might result in injury. If you believe that you may suffer from a physical or emotional impairment, we strongly recommend that you seek advice from a licensed health care professional before embarking on this or any other program. Please note that any guidance, direction, suggestions and advice given here are not a substitute for medical or mental health advice. Please consult your health care professional if you are currently under medication or have doubts following the guidance, direction, suggestions and advice given. Individual results may vary.

The creators of this training, its distributors, and presenters are not liable for any injury, accident, or health impairment befalling any viewer of this training or any individual utilizing the techniques suggested in this training. Scott Grossberg and Scott J. Grossberg, APC are not licensed medical or mental health care providers and represent that they have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical or mental health conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical or mental health condition. The creators of this training, its distributors, and performers make no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness of information in this training, any linked websites, books, or other products represented herein.
© Copyright 2008-2019 by Scott J. Grossberg, APC. All Rights Reserved.

The images and slogans (including but not limited to, "Thinking Magically," "Stop Wishing. Start Having," "I Am Safe and Loved," "No One's Mind is Safe," "Outcome Design System," "Chakra Coding," "The Power to Be All You Imagine," "Mindsets Restored. Attitudes Adjusted. Outlooks Polished," "I Will Win. Always," "I Bring Magic to Life," "Stress Management Accelerator," and the "Leadership & Influence Academy" presented on this website are not in the public domain. They are the copyrighted and trademarked property of Scott Grossberg and Scott J. Grossberg, APC and are fully protected by U.S. and international copyright and trademark laws. These images and slogans, in whole or a portion of, may not be reproduced, copied, projected, used or altered in any way, alone or with any other item(s), by use of computer or any other electronic means, saved to a digital file for personal or commercial use, without the expressed written permission of Scott Grossberg. We protect our intellectual property interests. For further information or inquiries, contact us at 909/483-1850 or

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